templates/_page/_guest/_nav.html.twig line 22

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  1. <!-- ======= Header ======= -->
  2. <header id="header" class="header fixed-top" data-scrollto-offset="0">
  3.     <div class="container-fluid d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
  4.         <a href="{{ path('home') }}" class="logo d-flex align-items-center scrollto me-auto me-lg-0">
  5.             <!-- Uncomment the line below if you also wish to use an image logo -->
  6.             <!-- <img src="assets/img/logo.png" alt=""> -->
  7.             {%  set logo = getSetting('logo', true) %}
  8.             {% if logo is not null %}
  9.                 <img src="{{ asset(logo.path ~ logo.name) }}" alt="" class="img-fluid">
  10.             {% else %}
  11.                 TeZeA
  12.             {% endif %}
  13.         </a>
  14.         <nav id="navbar" class="navbar">
  15.             <ul>
  16.                 <li><a class="nav-link scrollto" href="{{ path('home')}}">Home</a></li>
  17.                 {% if is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') %}
  18.                 {#  {% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  19.                         <li class="dropdown"><a href="#"><span>Moje konto</span> <i class="bi bi-chevron-right"></i></a>
  20.                             <ul>
  21.                                 <li><a href="{{ path("user_profil") }}">{% trans %}Mój profil{% endtrans %}</a></li>
  22.                                 <li>
  23.                                     <a href="{{ path("serviceSystemClient_tickets") }}">{% trans %}Zgłoszenia{% endtrans %}</a>
  24.                                 </li>
  25.                                 <li>
  26.                                     <a href="{{ path("user_edit", { 'id': app.user.id }) }}">{% trans %}Płatności{% endtrans %}</a>
  27.                                 </li>
  28.                                 <li><a href="#" data-bs-toggle="modal"
  29.                                        data-bs-target="#logoutModal">{% trans %}Wyloguj{% endtrans %}</a></li>
  30.                             </ul>
  31.                         </li>
  32.                     {% endif %}#}
  33.                     {% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
  34.                         <li><a class="nav-link scrollto" href="{{ path('panel') }}">Panel</a></li>
  35.                     {% endif %}
  36.                     {% else %}
  37.                         <li><a class="nav-link scrollto btn-getstarted me-2" href="{{ path('app_login') }}">Logowanie</a></li>
  38.                         <li><a class="nav-link scrollto btn-getstarted" href="{{ path('app_register') }}">Rejestracja</a></li>
  39.                 {% endif %}
  40.             </ul>
  41.             <i class="bi bi-list mobile-nav-toggle d-none"></i>
  42.         </nav><!-- .navbar -->
  43.     </div>
  44. </header><!-- End Header -->